More to Offer

Optional Services for Parents

Life gets busy and schedules are hectic. We offer extended day care, transportation, and affordable meals to make it easier for parents to balance all their expectations. Extended day care is available for our younger students to help parents manage their busy schedules and transportation to and from school is available for families that come from all over the KW region. We offer both services on a cost recovery basis and services are available based on space and scheduling.

Affordable meal options will also be available for students. Healthy and nutritious options made to be delicious and tasty, students enjoy all the necessary benefits needed for a full day of learning. We encourage community involvement and regularly look for ways to include new and exciting meals.


With a Upper School program we utilize the amenities of high school throughout the grades. Science labs, art rooms, and computer labs are available for all students and enhance the student learning experience.

The Innovative Classroom

Technology is at the forefront of innovation and InnovOak is dedicated to including technology in appropriate and educational ways. Interactive whiteboards are used regularly for classroom and learning activities. Supplemental learning materials are accessible for students through our sophisticated Learning Management software. Students also have full access to Microsoft Office 365 and Google Suite to facilitate learning and provide experience using tools found in the workplace.

We have a dedicated technology plan to ensure we are committed to having meaningful technological enhancements focused on student learning.